Save Our Koalas Day of Action

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Save Our Koalas Day of Action

After we killed the koala-killing Local Land Services Bill last year, we need to keep the pressure up for our precious koalas.
Because despite the headline finding that koalas in NSW will be extinct before 2050 without urgent government action to protect their habitat they’ve done nothing.
Instead of protecting what’s left, after the Black Summer megafires killed 10,000 koalas and decimated millions of hectares of forests, the loggers and the bulldozers have been let rip in koala habitat across the state.
In 2021, koalas need you to be their voice. We need to tell the pollies we won’t back down until there’s no more clearing of koala habitat – for the timber industry, for new suburbs, for anything.
Join the Save Our Koalas Day of Action rally and march beginning in Hyde Park Sydney near the Archibald fountain and marching to mega-developer Lendlease’s Sydney office, whose Figtree Hill and Mt Gilead developments threaten to destroy the homes of the happiest and healthiest koalas in Sydney. These koalas rely on important corridors within the proposed development boundaries to connect their Georges River and Nepean River habitats and help them cross the landscape to breed, find water and escape fire. We need Lendlease to keep out of koala paradise and save our koalas from extinction!
Get creative with your own placard or grab one of ours on the day. Remember to take photos and help us create a storm on social media! Last time we had #SaveOurKoalas trending so let’s make it happen again using #SaveOurKoalas and #SaveSydneysKoalas
Not in Sydney? Here’s what you can do to be a part of our Day of Action:
1. Stage a (COVID-safe) pop-up protest in your local area. Pick a corner of a busy intersection, your street, a park or somewhere else where you’ll be noticed with your message to Save Our Koalas! We’ll have posters you can download and print or make your own, and don’t forget to share photos and videos on social media!
2. Create a storm on social media! Last time, we had #SaveOurKoalas trending on Twitter, so let’s get it happening again! Take a photo or video of yourself at a pop-up protest, or print a photo of yourself with a poster at home and share on social media tagging your local MP plus Premier Gladys Berejiklian (@GladysB), Environment Minister Matt Kean (@Matt_KeanMP) and Planning Minister Rob Stokes (@RobStokesMP).
Don’t forget to use the hashtag #SaveOurKoalas plus whichever hashtags your local campaign uses.
Koalas don’t have a voice, they only have us. Let’s do it!
This is a COVID-safe event. That means a maximum of 500 people. If more than 500 people come on the day you may be asked to leave (which means you can pick a busy street corner and host a pop-up rally of your own!) You will be required to check in to assist with contact tracing should the need arise.
Remember to wash your hands before and after the event and bring your own hand sanitiser and face masks. If you don’t have any, we’ll have some available for free on the day. Always stay 1.5m away from others if you can help it.
Consider walking or cycling if you need to avoid packed public transport and don’t share food or drinks.


March 21 2021


Date: March 21, 2021
Time: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Event Categories:
Website: Visit Event Website


Hyde Park

Sydney, New South Wales 2000

+ Google Map


Humane Society International Australia