Rally for climate jobs and justice – no to Morrison’s gas fired recovery

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Rally for climate jobs and justice – no to Morrison’s gas fired recovery

Amidst overlapping climate, health and economic crises, the Morrison government continues to give billions of dollars to the fossil fuel industry, locking in decades worth of carbon emissions. Meanwhile, renewable energy technology was almost entirely overlooked, and workers and the poor continue to face unemployment, cuts to wages, unemployment benefits, and underfunded public services.
Morrison claims his plan for a “gas fired recovery” will kickstart the economy, create jobs and lower power prices, while lowering emissions. Off the back of this, the Narrabri gas project on Gomeroi lands in the Pilliga Forest was recently approved, despite enormous public opposition.
But natural gas emits masses of greenhouse gases, fracking destroys the environment and the expansion of the gas industry will do little to reduce power prices or create jobs in the numbers we need them. And despite Morrison’s apparent concern for workers, he has signalled that his government will soon come after unions and workers’ conditions.
Both government and big business are pushing their own agenda to continue to put profits over the climate, at the expense of First Nations sovereignty and the livelihoods of ordinary people.
Join the rally this December 12th to demand serious investment in renewables and climate jobs, and to protect Indigenous lands from destruction.
We demand:
1. First nations justice. No mining or fracking on Indigenous lands.
2. 100% renewable energy – reduce emissions now. Build a 100%
publicly owned renewable energy system by 2030 with jobs
guarantees for workers. Just transition for communities
3. Immediate just transition away from all current fossil fuel
projects with a commitment to no future fossil fuel or nuclear
projects. Santos out of the Pillaga. No to Morrison’s Gas fired
4. Support communities. Fund our firies and essential workers.
This event will be held on stolen Aboriginal land. Sovereignty was
never ceded. This always was and always will be Aboriginal land.
Registration link
– You must register to attend either beforehand or on the day by approaching one of our marshalls
– Please do not attend if you feel unwell or have any cold or flu symptoms, or have visited a location or venue in the last 14 days for which the NSW government has issued a self-isolation alert (see the list at https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/…/case-locations-and…)
– Please wear a mask and bring hand your own sanitiser to use at the event
– Participants must separate into groups of no more than 30 people at the event and maintain physical distancing of 1.5 metres between groups and participants
– Please bring your own water bottle and snacks and avoid shared food and drink
– Marshalls will be present at the event in fluro vests with extra masks and hand sanitiser for anyone who needs them
– Please avoid crowding on public transport through arriving early or using private transport to get to the event where possible


December 12 2020


Date: December 12, 2020
Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Event Categories:
Website: Visit Event Website


Sydney Town Hall

New South Wales 2000 Australia

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ASEN (Australian Student Environment Network)