Melbourne Takes the Pledge

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Melbourne Takes the Pledge

On June 20 Extinction Rebellion will hold a socially distant protest. You have three types of actions to choose from that will be in groups of no more than 20.
The actions are: A bike ride, a road swarm and an art installation.
Take the pledge to make sure the environment is part of the conversation of our economic recovery.
Join Us –
We are at a crossroads.
The choices we make now about the shape of the economic recovery may be the most consequential we ever make as a nation.
Federal government wants a return to business-as-usual, with large public investment in dirty energy projects to kickstart the economy. Others are promoting a business-led “green” recovery with fantasies of achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. But the science is clear this is too late to stabilise the climate. We cannot prioritise economic growth above the lives of our children and future generations. We cannot afford to move by increments anymore.
The climate emergency is upon us and we must act now.
A commitment to net zero by 2025 provides us with the best chance – maybe the only chance – of halting permanent climate and ecological collapse.
Yet in the wake of the most devastating bushfires in our nation’s history, the government response has been to delegate these monumental decisions to a small group of unrepresentative fossil-fuel elites and their mates. The science, and the voices of the people continue to be ignored. This latest instalment marks the clearest sign yet that our systems of government are not working. The only solution now is a deepening of democracy. We don’t need a Covid Commission, we need a Citizen’s Assembly to charter the course for a climate-safe recovery.
Through the pandemic we have witnessed what we are capable of when we listen to the science, work together, and act fast against an existential threat. We have just lived the truth that what we truly value most is preserving life. And we have seen that another world is possible.
But only the power of the people can make it a reality. Only rebellion can create the momentum for change.
We are on the way to a movement of non-violent mass participation that will change the world. On the 20th June we take action with health-safe, but disruptive, on-the-ground acts of civil disobedience.
Take the pledge to join us.
Date: 20th June 2020
Time: 12pm Zoom Pre-brief – 2pm action – post brief 4pm
Location: Melbourne – TBA when have chosen which action to participate



Date: June 20, 2020
Time: 12:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Event Categories:
Event Tags:,
Website: Visit Event Website




Extinction Rebellion
Website: Visit Organizer Website