For decades the Murdoch media empire has fed the Australian public a constant stream of lies, disinformation and climate denalism.So, want to see RUPERT MURDOCH GET ARRESTED IN PERSON for the climate-denying crimes committed on a daily basis by the Murdochracy? Then come to our march for real action with a theatrical flourish.
Join us as we march through Melbourne CBD, demanding the Murdoch empire TELL THE TRUTH about the climate emergency and human induced global heating. We will begin in
Treasury Gardens and make our way to News Corp headquarters.
Treasury Gardens and make our way to News Corp headquarters.
Once at News Corp HQ, we will perform a “lie-in” to symbolise the lies Murdoch’s media outlets tell on a daily basis. Stick around, because ol’ Rupert himself will leave the event in cuffs.
The Murdochracy continues to give a platform to rampant climate deniers, propping up their pals in the fossil fuel industry and our coal-loving extremists masquering as politicians.
We have three demands for this action.
One: the Murdoch media empire tells the truth and reports in every one of its outlets that the planet is experiencing a human-caused climate and ecological emergency.
Two: NewsCorp immediately stops providing a platform for climate deniers.
Three: NewsCorp joins the Covering Climate Now initiative, co-founded by Columbia Journalism Review and the Nation to address the urgent need for better climate coverage.
This event takes place on the lands of the Kulin Nation. Sovereignty was never ceded