I was busy raising funds so that Galilee Blockade can come back stronger from the Adani and News Limited attacks. Now I need help to fund my initial legal costs! The story in short:
- Adani twice applied in secret Supreme Court hearings to raid my family home
- Being unsuccessful, they then hit me with a massive SLAPP lawsuit that would bankrupt me, make me sell the home I share with my wife and 3 school-aged children, one with a disability
- Adani were successful getting a temporary Supreme Court injunction to stop me doing and saying the things they do not like
- For the sake of my family, I offered to make this injuction permanent if Adani stopped the big civil case
- Adani REJECTED this, are determined to make my family suffer as a message to other concerned citizens
ADANI’S ATTACK DOGS MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO WIN. I need support to retain a specialist legal firm, advising kick-arse barristers to win this case for all of us.
IMPORTANT UPDATE – My legal team is together and will be announced soon. This case is MASSIVE, the biggest of its kind in decades. I’m advised the case could take 2 years, ending with a very long 6 week trail in the Supreme Court. I’ve now raised the crowd-funding target to cover most of the expected costs.