#ClimateActNow – Your time to advance the climate change bill! (online)

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#ClimateActNow – Your time to advance the climate change bill! (online)

Climate Act Now
Urgent Action Required
Your time to advance the Climate Change Bill!
Terrific news following the tabling of the Climate Change Bill (CCB) to parliament on Monday.

The Bill was referred to the House Standing Commitee on the Environment and Energy and will now go to a public inquiry with submissions open immediately, but closing on Friday 27 November!

Zali Steggall tabling the Bill
So, what does that mean?

It means, now is YOUR chance to have YOUR say about why Australia needs the Climate Change Act by making a submission to the House Standing Commitee on the Environment and Energy.

Who can make a submission?

ANY individual, organisation or business.

What does an effective submission look like?

  • As long or as short as you like
  • Unique, written in your own words. (‘Cut & paste’ submissions are not persuasive)
  • Include things that are relevant to you and reference the key elements of the Bill – see the section below “What should my submission include”
  • Avoid unsupported claims or emotive language (the committee will assess the submissions in an objective and unimpassioned way)
  • If you would like to attend the public inquiry to give evidence, say so in your submission. The committee may invite a range of individuals and organisations to appear at the public hearings.

To make your submission go to the Inquiry homepage.

When you get to the Committee page there are two bills listed, the first Bill is the primary legislation. The second Bill simply makes amendments to existing legislation impacted by the main Bill. Your submission does not need to address each Bill separately.

Submissions close 5pm on Friday November 27th. So, get your submission written and delivered as soon as possible.

The Bill
What should my submission include?

In your submission, you may wish to address any or all of the following aspects of the Bill:

  1. Objectives and long-term emissions reduction commitment
  2. Why legislating Net Zero by 2050 and regular 5 year budgets is important
  3. Guiding principles to be applied
  4. Risk and adaptation assessments for all sectors
  5. Technology readiness assessment
  6. Independent climate change commission and skills needed on the commission.

For an overview of the Bill CLICK HERE

How do I make my submission?

  1. Set up and validate a My Parliament Account, unless you already have one (takes two minutes)
  2. Go to the homepage for the Bill on the parliament website
  3. Click on the “Upload Submission” button in the right-hand column
  4. Under “Submitted Previously” click “Log on” and sign in
  5. Under “Make your submission,” select the Climate Change Bill, and click Next at the bottom
  6. Complete your personal or business details
  7. Select your privacy level
  8. Upload your document (in one of these formats: PDF, DOC, DOCX, TXT)

If you have any problems with lodging your submission, contact the Committee Secretariat:

Phone: +61 2 6277 4580
Email: Environment.Reps@aph.gov.au

What happens next?

The window for submission is short. Submissions close 5pm on Friday November 27th. So, get your submission written and delivered as soon as possible.

Once the submission deadline has passed, the House Standing Commitee on the Environment and Energy will meet to review the submissions, discuss their learnings and report back to the House.

If you’d like further information about the Act or have any other questions, contact the ClimateActNow team at admin@climateactnow.com.au and we’ll do our best to help.

November 13 2020


Start: November 13, 2020 @ 8:00 am
End: November 27, 2020 @ 5:00 pm
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Climate Act Now