Adelaide – Media Lie In. Truth Die In

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Adelaide – Media Lie In. Truth Die In

Meet in front of the Intercontinental Hotel for briefing at 4:30pm.
Prior to the federal election the documentary Dirty Power revealed the collusion between politicians, the fossil fuel industry and the media.
Three blockers to the climate and ecological truth!
Post election it is clear that social media is also a fourth major blocker to the truth, and is an unregulated peddler of misinformation and lies.
Climate trolls and bots are capable of spreading climate fallacies at dry lightning speed. Algorithms perpetuate control over news, and reinforce divisions. Furthermore tech companies that buy and sell our personal data also allow the building of an arsenal against our democracy, and the truth that needs to be revealed.
Come and join us the Die In outside of the railway station. Rebels will be laying on the ground ‘as if dead’, in order to demonstrate that our current situation is threatening humanity. Alternatively you are welcome to hold provided banners, highlighting why we’re taking action.
This action is organised by the Eastern Affinity Group. Rebels from this affinity group have organised other components to this action. Please arrive for briefing to hear all the details.
** What to Wear **
Come as you are.
** What to Bring **
A white sheet to use as a shroud and a yoga mat for comfort.
** Watch Dirty Power Documentary **


March 11 2020


Date: March 11, 2020
Time: 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
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Website: Visit Event Website


Adelaide railway station

South Australia 5000 Australia

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Extinction Rebellion
Website: Visit Organizer Website