The system has failed – we will take democracy into the streets so the people can decide on declaring a climate emergency.
The action will march from Belmore Park to occupy the streets to hold a vote on declaring a climate emergency.
It will be an act of participatory and disruptive democracy to show that if the politicians refuse to act the people will.
This will be a beautiful display of Extinction Rebellion culture and diversity with Red Rebels, music and speeches from Indigenous fighters, Pacific climate warriors, high school strikers and everyday rebels.
Whether you’re a seasoned rebel or this is your first time rebelling for the climate, all are welcome. We need everyone to take a stand for immediate action on the climate crisis. We will be meeting at Belmore Park at 1:30 and then marching to take back the streets.
We will rebel to demonstrate that politicians are not representing the people or the science – we need participatory democracy to win climate justice.