Welcome to the Festival of Love and Rage on the Malcolm Street Bridge!
Entrance to Kings Park – then to Malcolm St Bridge•21 Malcolm Street, Perth, Australia 6005
A defiant, beautiful act of civil disobedience that celebrates the things we love about our beautiful world, and that rages against the things that are actively destroying it.
It is time to act. You know that the same way we’ve always done things, is not working – it doesn’t matter who you vote for, or what petitions you sign, or what social media posts you ‘Like’ or ‘Share’. We need to Rebel, in real life. For Life’s sake.
Civil disobedience is the last resort that people turn to, when the system we are in is not able to change fast enough. It is a normal part of democracy that when our political systems no longer look after our needs, we rise up and re-set things. Women’s rights, civil rights, worker’s rights – all have been won by people standing up when it counted.
The climate and ecological emergency, systemic racism and injustices, the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.
I can’t.
We can.
We must.
The Festival of Love and Rage is your chance to celebrate the things you love about our world, and to rage at the forces that are destroying them.
This is YOUR Rebellion – together we will bring our own Festival to the Malcolm Street Bridge that spans the Freeway, between our Seat of Government, and their corporate masters. We will turn grey roadbase, into life and colour, music and dance!
We will turn this destructive system of buying and taking, into one of giving. We will turn the emphasis they put on our individual actions, into a demonstration of collective action!
What will you give to the Festival of Love and Rage?
Some ideas:
– can you bake a cake? Can you bake 10? Can you bring a box of apples? Tick the box for ‘Rebel Chef’
– got a clean 20 litre water container you could fill and bring along? Tick the box for ‘Rebel Chef’
– do you have a performance you can offer? Tick the box for ‘Street Performer’
– will you be there, but prefer to watch from a distance? Why not be a ‘Legal Observer’?
– happy to tell the world your story? You could be a Media spokesperson
Sign up NOW to keep in the loop and be as involved as you want to be. If we keep doing the things we’ve been doing, we’ll keep getting the same results, on a trend to climate catastrophe. Let’s support each other to step up and build this Festival of Love and Rage!
Role Descriptions – add more comments in the form, or email us for more info about any of these roles!
- Wellbeing Support: Taking care of rebels with food, water, psychological and spiritual support, etc. Monitor individuals who are arrested, meet arrestee’s when they’re released with smiles and hugs. De-escalate tension with public and police
- Crowd Marshall: Wave a flag or hold a banner to help keep people on track
- Medic: Certified First aiders on hand in case of injury, until paramedics can attend.
- Police Liaison: be able to negotiate Police response and de-escalate where necessary (training support provided)
- Legal Observers: Independant observers of the behaviour of Authorities and crowd participants (training support provided)
- Arrestee Support: be available to pick up arrestees from Watch House/s, keep track of their release and give them support when they get out. (training support provided)
- Logistics: Help to move props, carry mobile PA systems, etc.
- Media: Film, Photos and/or Social Media – document and share the event, with outreach to communicate to public and media (before, during and after event), etc.
- Outreach: Communicate and engage with public, etc.
- Street Performer: Help create an amazing atmosphere on the bridge, show the world that this very serious Rebellion is also about love and fun.
- Other: You tell us!