There will be a choice of 4 actions to participate in on the day:
Arts activity. This will be a family friendly, static stall, with arts activities such as T-shirt printing and outreach opportunities (having a chat with the public).
Bike Swarm. Flag fluttering behind you, you will ride with your squad along a predetermined route.
Flotilla on the Yarra. The Flotilla will be led by a large pink motorised sail boat plus a smaller pink rowboat, accompanied by people in canoes and kayaks. We will stop near the Princes Bridge and the paddlers will display a message using banners and signs. The action will obey all Covid and water laws and will not be arrestable. It is intended to be light hearted and fun!
Roadblock. With your squad, you will step on a pedestrian crossing with a banner, flags and signs and block the traffic in on-off cycles. This action is for rebels who want to build up their civil disobedience muscles.
Other . If you want to assist in another way (e.g.being part of another action not listed here) please select this option in the form below, when you make your pledge.