On September 25, SS4C will stand alongside First Nations communities affected by gas expansion and mobilise for covid safe events across the continent.
Find the starter pack, more actions and FAQs on out website at ss4c.info/sept25
Exact location of action TBC.
Australian communities have been hit hard by both the Summer bushfires and the coronavirus. As Australia reboots its economy in response to COVID-19 our Government has the opportunity to decide what our future will look like. We must use this opportunity to build a future we can all thrive in by creating clean jobs that care for country, climate and our communities.
Instead the Federal Government and Morrison’s COVID-19 Commission are secretly making plans to give billions of dollars in handouts to their mates in the gas industry that will turbocharge the climate crisis and destroy First Nations lands.
That’s why on September 25 First Nations communities, School Strikers, young people, workers and everyday Australians are taking action in their communities to demand the Federal Government rule out spending public money on gas and other damaging fossil fuel projects.
Our demands:
No public funds for gas and other damaging fossil fuel projects. Instead, recovery funds should be spent on:
1. Resourcing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led solutions that guarantee land rights and care for country
2. The creation of jobs that fast-track solutions to the climate crisis and help communities recover
3. Projects that transition our economy and communities to 100% renewable energy by 2030, through expanded public ownership.
We want you to join us!
No public funds for gas and other damaging fossil fuel projects. Instead, recovery funds should be spent on:
1. Resourcing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led solutions that guarantee land rights and care for country
2. The creation of jobs that fast-track solutions to the climate crisis and help communities recover
3. Projects that transition our economy and communities to 100% renewable energy by 2030, through expanded public ownership.
We want you to join us!
Actions will follow current safety restrictions due to Covid-19. This means actions may look very different in different places. We will be flexible to change our actions so they are in line with any health restrictions.
Be Covid-19 Safe!
– Stay at home if you are not feeling well or have any symptoms of Covid-19 (fever, dry cough, tiredness)
– Socially distance – stay 1.5 metres apart at all times during the event
– Wear a mask to reduce infection risk
– Stay at home if you are not feeling well or have any symptoms of Covid-19 (fever, dry cough, tiredness)
– Socially distance – stay 1.5 metres apart at all times during the event
– Wear a mask to reduce infection risk
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