Did you know that polluters want to drill for gas and oil in the coastal waters of south western Victoria?
The coastline from Port Campbell to the South Australian border is home to a major tourist industry. Income comes from whale watching, surfing, and all manner of accommodation, hospitality and service industries which support tourism.
These communities are already being hit hard by COVID-19 travel restrictions. Imagine the devastating impacts of a major oil spill on this shoreline.
Southern Right Whales are expected back in the coastal waters of Western Victoria any moment now, where they will give birth and nurture their calves in the shallower waters.
We might not be able to flock to the coast to rally just yet – but we CAN gather online to RESIST new fossil fuel developments!
1. RSVP to join the Virtual Paddle Out Action on World Oceans Day Monday June 8th here: melbournefoe.org.au/stayin_paddleout
2. Send an email to Premier Dan Andrews in the lead up to World Oceans Day calling on him to cancel the tenders for offshore drilling in the Otway Basin.
Offshore drilling is Bad for climate, bad for marine life & bad for tourism.
*We acknowledge the Kirrae Whurrung and Gundijmara peoples as the traditional owner of this land. Sovereignty never ceded*