Coast Environmental Alliance (CEA) and Central Coast Koalas – CCK invite you to join us at our next family friendly community rally to protect our local Koalas and stop the Wallarah 2 coal mine that will be clearing over 180 acres of local bushland, just 5 minutes from Wyong
After losing nearly half the Koala population in the bushfires, the Central Coast bushland could be the last stand for Koalas.
If we don’t act NOW these little Aussie battlers will likely be extinct in the wild within 20-30 years.
We simply can’t let that happen!
See relevant article:
We are calling on local, State and Federal politicians to join with our community at this peaceful rally, and put an urgent stop to all large developments that could impact Koala habitat on the Central Coast.
We are asking all politicians to commit to turning the Central Coast into one of the LARGEST NATURAL KOALA SANCTUARY’S IN THE WORLD.
Because together we are making a stand for what we LOVE and care for! We love the land, the wildlife and the water and we all want what is best for our and our future generations’ health and wellbeing. When we have a common goal to protect our environment, together in unity, our strength can create change.
Because together we are making a stand for what we LOVE and care for! We love the land, the wildlife and the water and we all want what is best for our and our future generations’ health and wellbeing. When we have a common goal to protect our environment, together in unity, our strength can create change.
When: Friday 13th March 2020
5.30pm: Pre-event entertainment
6.00pm: Guest speakers (to be announced)
6.45pm: Small march to gather along the main street of Gosford, play music and display our signs to the passing traffic!
5.30pm: Pre-event entertainment
6.00pm: Guest speakers (to be announced)
6.45pm: Small march to gather along the main street of Gosford, play music and display our signs to the passing traffic!
Location: 49 Mann Street, Gosford NSW 2250 (Gosford Council building)
Bring: Dress up, banners and placards, percussion instruments and refreshments.
Further info:
With the support of our community, CEA have proven that there are Koala colonies in Yarramalong (near Wallarah 2), Gosford, Mangrove Mountain, Bucketty, the Watagans, and there have been sightings in Woy Woy, Berkeley Vale, Ourimbah, Matcham, McMasters Beach and across the Central Coast.
With the support of our community, CEA have proven that there are Koala colonies in Yarramalong (near Wallarah 2), Gosford, Mangrove Mountain, Bucketty, the Watagans, and there have been sightings in Woy Woy, Berkeley Vale, Ourimbah, Matcham, McMasters Beach and across the Central Coast.
Don’t believe the spin: Some have suggested that the giant coal mine will not impact our koala populations as it’s “underground”.
Apart from the damage coal mining has on our environment in general (and that of course includes our koalas), the clearing necessary to construct a whole new train line to transport the coal, and the other associated infrastructure, will certainly have a significant impact on the local environment and ALL our local wildlife.
Over the 28 year life span of this South Korean government-backed mining project could potentially contaminate the drinking water for over 300,000 local women, men and children and the environmental impacts will include subsidence, and dust, water, light and noise pollution in the area.
It is a central hub to most local residents and near Gosford train station for our supportive neighbours to attend.
It’s worth noting that while Council has largely been supportive of stopping Wallarah 2, there are certainly Councillors who support this foreign-owned mine.
While this is not a protest against Council, we are expecting that Councillors will come along and support our community by making a commitment to publicly push the government to do everything in their power to stop Wallarah 2, and protect our beloved Koalas.
So bring your friends, family, and even your dog, and feel free to dress up the kids (or yourself as a Koala) and let’s help transform the Central Coast into the largest natural Koala sanctuary in the world!
>> Click on ‘Invite friends’ and add them
>> Talk about the rally with your friends, family and colleagues
>> Email the FB event link in your newsletter
>> Share this event to large community groups on Facebook
>> Change your profile pic to our Koalas Not Coal profile pic (posted in this event page)
>> Get a group together and create your own event
>> Do letter box drops with flyers re our rally
>> Get in touch with CEA on how you can volunteer and keep an eye out for any actions leading up to the rally
>> Click on ‘Invite friends’ and add them
>> Talk about the rally with your friends, family and colleagues
>> Email the FB event link in your newsletter
>> Share this event to large community groups on Facebook
>> Change your profile pic to our Koalas Not Coal profile pic (posted in this event page)
>> Get a group together and create your own event
>> Do letter box drops with flyers re our rally
>> Get in touch with CEA on how you can volunteer and keep an eye out for any actions leading up to the rally
This event is going ahead rain, hail or shine, so please come prepared accordingly.
Some ideas for signs that are relevant could include wording such as:
“Save Our Water!”
“Protect our land, water and air”
“Stand up for our wildlife”
“Say NO to Wallarah 2”
“Save Our Water!”
“Protect our land, water and air”
“Stand up for our wildlife”
“Say NO to Wallarah 2”
• 68 percent of the water from this catchment supplies drinking water to the whole Central Coast and will be at serious risk of contamination from the mine
• Round the clock noise, light pollution at night, air and dust pollution from trucks, machinary, railway and traffic
• Extraction of up to 5 Million tonnes of thermal coal per year
• The total greenhouse gas emissions over the life of the mine will be over 264 million tonnes of CO2
• The Jilliby SCA alone provides critical habitat for over 150 native animal species, including 16 threatened species and more than 130 species of birds
• Jilliby is an important cultural and historical area for Aboriginal people. There are more than 40 recorded Aboriginal sites in Jilliby, and the adjacent Watagans National Park also includes art sites, axe-grinding grooves and open campsites.
• Subsidence of up to 2.6 metres beneath a state forest area; increased flooding impacts for more than 170 property owners that could require lifting or relocating homes and increased flooding impacts affecting 15 bridges and roads
Keep an eye on our website and make sure you join our group Coast Environmental Alliance (CEA)) and like our page Central Coast Koalas – CC